
EASA staff and volunteer committee members represent your interests on a variety of standards-making committees that affect our industry. Below is a list of organizations with EASA representation.


Gene Vogel, EASA泵 & 振动专家

  • ASA ASC-S2 Work Group 15 - Shaft Alignment Methodology (acting chair)


Tom Bishop, PE, EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist

  • CSA 392汽车翻新小组委员会, Testing of three-phase cage induction motors during refurbishment



  • Working Group for Introduction of IEC 60079-19 into IEC Ex Scheme
  • IEC 60079-19管理委员会

Tom Bishop, PE, EASA高级技术支持专家

  • Maintenance Team 60079-1 for IEC 60079-1, Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres
  • IEC 60079, 61779, 62013和62086的美国标签

Mike Howell, PE, EASA技术支持专家

  • 适用于IEC SC22G的USNC标签, Adjustable Speed Electric Drive Systems Incorporating Semiconductor 权力 Converters

Chuck Yung,欧洲航空安全局高级技术支持专家

  • TC2工作组
  • IEC 60034-8 Rotating Electrical Machines; Terminal Markings
  • IEC 60034-11 Rotating electrical machines – thermal protection
  • 转换器供电的电动机
  • IEC 60035-2-34 Standards Technical Panel for Hermetic Refrigerant Motor-Compressors
  • IEC 60034-27 Rotating electrical machines – Part 27: Partial discharge off-line measurements on the stator winding insulation of rotating machinery

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)


Chuck Yung,欧洲航空安全局高级技术支持专家

  • 同步电机的测试程序
  • IEEE 303 Recommended Practice for Auxiliary Devices for Rotating Electrical Machines in Class I, 第2分部和第2地带地点和第II类, 2区和22区地点
  • IEEE 841-1(北美) & 841-2 (International) Standard for the Petroleum and Chemical Industry - Severe Duty Totally Enclosed Fan-Cooled (TEFC) Electric Motors
  • IEEE 1017-2013 Recommended Practice for Field Testing Electrical Submersible Cable
  • IEEE 1018 Recommended Practice for Specifying Electric Submersible Pump Cable - Ethylene Propylene Rubber Insulation
  • IEEE 1019 Recommended Practice for Specifying Electric Submersible Pump Cable - Polypropylene Insulation
  • IEEE 1068 Standard for the Repair and Rewinding of Electric Motors for the Petrochemical and Other Process Industries (chair)
  • IEEE 1349危险场所电机
  • IEEE 1458选择推荐实践, Field Testing and Life Expectancy of Molded Case Circuit Breakers for Industrial 应用程序s
  • IEEE 1566 Standard for Performance of Adjustable Speed AC Drives Rated 375 kW and Larger
  • IEEE 1584 Guide for Performing Arc-Flash Hazard Calculations
  • IEEE 1683 Guide for Motor Control Centers Rated Up to and Including 600v AC or 1000v DC with Recommendations Intended to Help Reduce Electrical Hazards
  • IEEE 1716 Recommended Practice for Managing Natural Disaster Impact of Key Electrical Systems and Installations in Petroleum and Chemical Facilities
  • IEEE 1814 Recommended Practice for Electrical System Design Techniques to Improve Electrical Safety
  • IEEE 2455直流电机维修指南(椅子)

Mike Howell, PE, EASA技术支持专家

  • IEEE P114 Standard Test Procedure for Single-Phase Induction Motors
  • IEEE 1415 Guide for Induction Machinery Maintenance Testing
  • IEEE Standard 11-2006, Rotating Electric Machinery for Rail and Road Vehicles


Tom Bishop, PE, EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist

  • IEEE C37.102交流发电机保护指南 
  • IEEE C57.12.00 Standard for the General Requirements for Liquid-Immersed Distribution, 权力, 和调节变压器
  • IEEE C57.12.90 Standard Test Code for Liquid-Immersed Distribution, 权力, 和调节变压器
  • IEEE C57.94安装推荐做法, 应用程序, 操作, and Maintenance of Dry-Type Distribution and 权力 Transformers
  • IEEE 56 Guide for Insulation Maintenance of Electric Machines (Combines IEEE 56 and IEEE 432)
  • IEEE 95 Recommended Practice for Insulation Testing of AC Electric Machinery with High Direct Voltage
  • IEEE 112 Test Procedure for Polyphase Induction Motors and Generators
  • IEEE 117 Standard Test Procedure for Thermal Evaluation of Systems of Insulating Materials for Random-Wound AC Electric Machinery
  • IEEE 286 Recommended Practice for Measurement of 权力 Factor Tip-Up of Electric Machinery Stator Coil Insulation
  • IEEE 1665 Guide for the Rewind of Synchronous Generators, 50 Hz and 60 Hz, Rated 1 MVA and Above
  • IEEE 1812永磁体机器测试指南 
  • IEEE 3002.7 Recommended Practice for Conducting Motor-Starting Studies in Industrial and Commercial 权力 Systems
  • IEEE 3002.8 Recommended Practice for Conducting Harmonic-Analysis Studies of Industrial and Commercial 权力 Systems


Linda Raynes, EASA总裁兼首席执行官
Tom Bishop, PE, EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist


Chuck Yung,欧洲航空安全局高级技术支持专家

  • ANSI C50 Rotating Machinery Committee (Alternate: Tom Bishop, P.E.,欧洲航空安全局高级技术支持专员)

Tom Bishop, PE, EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist

  • NEMA规范和标准(C&S)翻新产品专责小组

Mike Howell, PE, EASA技术支持专家

  • Nema mw 1000


Tom Bishop, PE, EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist

  • NFPA 70B电气设备维护


Tom Bishop, PE, EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist

  • 506低压变压器
  • 1004电动机标准(7类)
  • 1446绝缘材料系统
  • 600伏以上干式配电变压器
  • 电机过热保护标准 

Chuck Yung,欧洲航空安全局高级技术支持专家

  • 448消防用泵标准
  • 674 Electric Motors and Generators for Hazardous Locations
  • 778电动水泵标准
  • 840 Standard for Insulation Coordination Including Clearances and Creepage Distances for Electrical Equipment
  • 1434热敏电阻型器件标准
  • 1450 Standard for Motor-Operated Air Compressors, Vacuum Pumps and Painting Equipment


Gene Vogel, EASA泵 & 振动专家

  • ANSI-ASA_S2-WG15 Committee for Shaft Alignment Standards (co-chair)